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Thought for Today - December 15, 2023

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.

Dalai Lama

Underestimating one's own impact is a common trap, yet history and nature both whisper to us that size doesn't equate to influence. It's a lesson of the smallest pebble creating ripples across a vast lake, or a single note harmonizing to change the tenor of a symphony. It's about recognizing that the smallest actions can catalyze the greatest changes, and that the flutter of a butterfly's wings might indeed trigger a cascade of events far beyond our vision.

The power of small things lies in their relentless persistence, their unexpected significance, and their ability to play a crucial role despite their size. It's a call to action for each of us to recognize our potential to affect the world around us, to contribute to the tapestry of life in meaningful ways, no matter how small we may feel our thread is.

So, let's step forward with the confidence of knowing that our words, our deeds, and even our thoughts have a place in shaping the narrative of our communities and our world. It's a collective force of tiny impacts that can move mountains, shift paradigms, and create a legacy that lasts long after our time. Let's not wait to be a part of something bigger; let's start by making our mark, one small, purposeful imprint at a time.

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