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Thought for Friday, September 1, 2023

Do you want better results?

Make different choices.

We've all heard the saying, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Yet, how often do we find ourselves trapped in the same patterns, frustrated by the same outcomes?

If you're seeking improved results, whether professionally or personally, the solution is often straightforward yet challenging: make different choices.

Choices serve as the steering wheel of our lives, guiding us through the complex maze of decisions that form our days, years, and ultimately, our destiny. When faced with stagnation or dissatisfaction, it’s tempting to externalize the blame—on circumstances, on other people, or even on sheer bad luck. While external factors certainly play a role, the one domain we have the most control over is our own choices.

So, what does it mean to choose differently?

Challenge Your Assumptions: We operate under a set of beliefs and assumptions that often go unexamined. Stop and scrutinize them. Are they really true, or are they limiting you?

Reframe Your Perspective: Sometimes, it’s not the situation but how we view it that needs changing. A shift in mindset can often lead to a shift in outcomes.

Be Mindful of the Small Choices: Big changes often come from a series of small decisions. A conscious effort to eat healthier, for instance, can result in significant improvements in your overall well-being over time.

Seek Feedback and Iterate: It's easy to get stuck in our own viewpoint. Valuable insights can be gained through the perspectives of others. Use this feedback to adapt and fine-tune your choices.

Commit and Take Action: Once you’ve weighed your options, commit to your choice and take definitive steps toward implementation.

Remember, the path to different results is paved with different choices. Should you find yourself discontent with where you are, consider this an invitation to assess the decisions that led you there. Then muster the courage to choose differently.

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