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Thought for Tuesday, August 15, 2023

One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential.

Courage is a coveted quality, often linked to heroes, leaders, and innovators. While some might argue that courage is a trait you're born with, it's essential to recognize that it's not necessarily an inherent aspect of our character. Instead, it's a quality that can be cultivated, shaped, and honed over time.

We are all born with potential. That potential is like a seed waiting to be nurtured, watered, and given the right environment to grow. It's the raw material from which courage can be forged.

In our professional journeys, we face challenges, setbacks, and opportunities that demand courage. Taking risks, embracing failure, and stepping outside our comfort zones aren't always easy paths to walk. But these experiences help shape us, pushing us to realize our potential and thereby develop courage.

As an executive coach, I often see the transformation in individuals as they unlock their potential. It's a process of self-discovery, growth, and learning to leverage one's abilities. Courage doesn't spring forth fully formed; it's built through effort, determination, and a willingness to face the unknown.

In the end, courage isn't a birthright; it's a choice. It's a decision to take the reins of your potential and steer it towards greatness. By embracing challenges, learning from failures, and persisting in the face of adversity, anyone can build the courage needed to lead, innovate, and succeed.

Remember, you're not necessarily born with courage, but you are born with the potential to create it. So harness that potential, fuel it with your passion, and watch as the courage blossoms within you. It's within reach for all of us.


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